Debugging Aids in 386MAX

The following options are recognized by 386MAX and may be useful in conjunction with 386SWAT. These options should be placed in your 386MAX profile.

To catch even-value stack wraps, use DEBUG=NOWRAP. This situation occurs when an interrupt is encountered with SP = 2 or 4. In this case, the 386 will push the three words onto the stack and wrap to the end of the stack segment leaving SP = FFFC or FFFE. Quite likely, this is an error as most stack segments aren't meant to be 64 KB in length. Technically, this event is not an error as far as the 386 is concerned, but logically it almost always is an error. The default behavior of 386MAX is to emulate the behavior of the CPU and not signal an error; the DEBUG=NOWRAP keyword tells 386MAX to trap this case.

To catch writes into unmapped EMS pages, use DEBUG=EMSWRIT. This option traps with a Page Fault attempts to write into unmapped EMS pages as well as after a Save Page Map call. The latter is presumed to have been done by a memory-resident program prior to mapping in its own pages. To catch reads and/or writes in unmapped EMS pages, use DEBUG=EMSRDWR. To catch an EMS bug in MS-DOS 4.0x, try this latter option with BUFFERS in EMS memory.

To catch unemulated Invalid Opcodes, use DEBUG=I06.

To signal an INT 01h on each DPMI error, use DEBUG=DPMIERR.

To force a new selector on all selector allocates, use DEBUG=DPMINEWSEL. This option is useful if your code has a stale selector, that is, you allocate a selector and tuck it away for later use, but then, before its last reference, you free it and allocate another selector. Without this option you might get the old selector number (the one you just freed). When the stale selector is used, it might not generate an error, but surely it won't do what you expected.

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