386SWAT Wish List
Here's my wish list (in no particular order) of things I would like
this debugger to do. Feel free to contribute yours in our
- Internal assembler to insert code into memory
- User defined macro expansion on the command line
- Write Master Boot Record loader to get in at the very
- Display remaining Windows internal structures
- Figure out how to install under Windows NT (where there's no
starting DOS session)
- Allow the user to configure the screen display
- Allow the user to define and display custom data records (such
as three words followed by two bytes, followed by an ASCIIZ text
string, etc.)
- Define PL3 Windows application for displaying 386SWAT
- Get DOS extender library authors to add support for 386SWAT to
their programs
- Better documentation
- Redo internal symbol table to allow deletion

NARS2000 © 2006-2020
Comments or suggestions? Send them to