Preliminary Proposal
Debugger Extensions
VCPI Specification
30 May 89
Amended 22 Aug 90
Amended 9 Aug 94


The premise is that there is already a resident debugger in the system which the client wishes to use. These calls provide an interface between the client and the debugger to allow that to happen. In order for the debugger to support this interface, it should intercept INT 67h during its initialization and troll for the following calls, ignoring most others. The debugger may wish to troll for the "Set 8259A Interrupt Vector Mappings" call in order to properly determine where the timer and keyboard interrupts start.

V86 Mode Program Interface


If your program enters PM via DPMI using a memory manager with an integrated DPMI host, skip all this as 386SWAT hooks into the host's GDT and IDT through the INTRUDE option. Note that DPMI hosts which install as a separate device driver appear to the memory manager (and thus to 386SWAT) as a VCPI client, so the above advice to skip this document does not apply. I haven't tried to debug a DPMI client in this context, so I'm not sure how to do it.

If your program enters PM via VCPI, use functions DEF0, DE01, DEF2, and DEF3 in that order so that 386SWAT is properly initialized in your program's GDT and IDT.

If your program enters PM from RM and uses paging, use functions DEF0, DEF4, DEF2, DEF3, and DEF9 in that order although function DEF9 can be executed anytime after function DEF0 executes successfully.

If your program enters PM from RM and does not use paging, use functions DEF0, DEF2, and DEF3 in that order.

When debugging VCPI clients, be sure to enable the VMSINT flag either by putting the keyword VMSINT into your 386SWAT profile, or by typing VMSINT ON from the 386SWAT command line.

Application Progamming Interface

INT 67h
AX = 0DEF0h
Determine Debugger Presence


OUTPUTS: AH = 00h if successful
   = 84h if VCPI not supported
   = 8Fh if debugger support not present
BH = Debugger specification major version #
BL = ... minor #

This call determines whether or not a resident debugger is present in the system.  The current specification version number is 5.00; that is, BH = 05h, BL = 00h.  These values are in binary such that if the specification version number were 10.12, this call would return BH = 0Ah, BL = 0Ch.

INT 67h
AX = 0DEF1h
Get Debugger Information


OUTPUTS: AH = 00h if successful
EDX = Physical address of debugger information

This call returns the physical address of a certain data structure inside 386SWAT for use in conjunction with the 386SWAT Virtual Device for Windows 3. The contents of the structure is as follows:

INFO_LEN    dw  ?       ; Byte count of structure
INFO_BASE   dd  ?       ; Physical base address of 386SWAT code
SWTINF_VER  dw  ?       ; Version # of structure

More fields are defined which are used by SWATVXD.

INT 67h
AX = 0DEF2h
Initialize Debugger Interface

INPUTS: ES:DI ==> GDT entries for debugger support
If ES = 0, EDI ==> ...
BX = initial selector

OUTPUTS: AH = 00h if successful
   = 84h if VCPI not supported
   = 8Fh if debugger support not present
BX:EDX = Address of protected mode entry point

This call allows the debugger to setup its own GDT entries as it pleases. The number of entries it may use is limited to thirty (30) so the client can statically allocate space in its GDT. he starting selector number in BX is needed so that the "Initialize Debugger IDT Entry" call knows what selectors to use when initializing an IDT entry. Consequently, this call must precede that call in order to know the proper selector value.

If you are writing a PM program which enters PM via VCPI, your call to the VCPI Get PM Interface (DE01) must precede this call as 386SWAT needs to hook into the latter call in order to ensure that its PTEs are visible when the VCPI client is active (and thus know what its new linear address is).

The selector and offset returned identify the address of the protected mode entry point in the debugger (see below). This entry point should be called via a USE32 far call as it might be a task gate.

INT 67h
AX = 0DEF3h
Initialize Debugger IDT Entry

INPUTS: BX = interrupt #
ES:DI ==> IDT entry for interrupt BX
If ES = 0, EDI ==> ...

OUTPUTS: AH = 00h if successful
   = 83h if interrupt # not supported by the debugger
   = 84h if VCPI not supported
   = 8Fh if debugger support not present

This call allows the client to selectively activate the debugger's interrupt handlers. Because some debuggers may support more interrupt handlers than others, it is recommended that the client call this function for all interrupts between 00h and 1Fh. If the debugger doesn't support a particular interrupt number, it will return an error code which the caller can ignore.

Some interrupt numbers may be handled wholly by the debugger (not passed on to the previous handler). Some may be chained, with the debugger handling only certain situations (as may be the case if the 8259A's interrupt numbers overlay CPU fault interrupt numbers). For this reason, the client should initialize the IDT entry with a valid handler in case the debugger passes along the interrupt.

Because this call may be invoked multiple times on the same interrupt number, the debugger must check the existing entry to see if it is the same as the value to which it would initialize the entry. If that's the case, the debugger should ignore the call and return a successful result code.

If you are writing a PM program which enters PM via VCPI, your call to the VCPI Get PM Interface (DE01) must precede this call as 386SWAT needs to hook into the latter call in order to ensure that its PTEs are visible when the VCPI client is active (and thus know what its new linear address is).

INT 67h
AX = 0DEF4h
Set New Debugger CR3 and Linear Address

EDX = new linear address or -1 if unchanged.

OUTPUTS: AH = 00h if successful

This call is used in conjunction with functions DEF2 and DEF3 if your program enters PM without using either VCPI or DPMI. In that case, this case must precede the calls to functions DEF2 and DEF3 and you must also call function DEF9.

INT 67h
AX = 0DEF5h

INT 67h
AX = 0DEF6h
Symbol Table Management Functions

INPUTS: BL = 00h Append ECX names from DS:ESI
ECX = # names to append
DS:ESI ==> table of names to append (see SYMC_STR)

OUTPUTS: AH = 00h if successful
   = 88h if not
ECX = # symbols appended

SYMC_STR struc

SYMC_FVEC df     ?              ; Seg:Off or Sel|Off
SYMC_FLAG dw     ?              ; Flags:  see SYMFL_REC below
SYMC_GRP  dw     ?              ; Group # (arbitray value may be used
                                ; with TS command from the command
                                ; line to group symbols)
SYMC_NAMLEN db   ?              ; Length byte
         db      ? dup (?)      ; ASCII name (no terminating zero)



@SYMFL_VM equ    mask $SYMFL_VM ; 1 = symbol is for VM
                                ; 0 = ...           PM
                                ; The above flag is meaningful for _DAT and _LN
                                ; types only.
@SYMFL_TYP equ   mask $SYMFL_TYP ; Data types:  see @SYMTYP_xxx below
@SYMTYP_DAT equ  0              ; Code or data
@SYMTYP_LN  equ  1              ; Line number record constructed by MAPSSF
@SYMTYP_ABS equ  2              ; ABS record
@SYMTYP_SWT equ  3              ; Symbol is for 386SWAT internal use

INPUTS: BL = 01h Search for name DS:ESI
DS:ESI ==> name to search for (see SYMC_STR)

OUTPUTS: AH = 00h if successful
   = A0h if not found

INPUTS: BL = 02h Translate old symbol to new
DS:ESI ==> SYMTRAN_STR (see below)

OUTPUTS: AH = 00h if successful

Use this call to translate a symbol's segment/selector and group to a new segment/selector and base.


SYMTRAN_OSEL dw  ?              ; Old segment/selector
SYMTRAN_OGRP dw  ?              ; Old group #
SYMTRAN_NFLAG dw ?              ; New flags
SYMTRAN_NSEL dw  ?              ; New segment/selector
SYMTRAN_NBASE dd ?              ; New base (to be added to all offsets)
SYMTRAN_FLAGS dw ?              ; Flags for match significance


; Flags used in SYMTRAN_FLAGS to indicate which elements in SYMTRAN_STR
; are to be ignored.
; $SYMFL_ADDVMSEG indicates that the new segment value is to be added
; to all V86 mode segments.

INPUTS: BL = 03h Flush the symbol table

OUTPUTS: AH = 00h if successful

INPUTS: BL = 04h Append without replacing existing symbols
        (allows duplicates of existing symbols)
        (same as BL=00h)

OUTPUTS: AH = 00h if successful

INPUTS: BL = 05h Execute ASCIIZ command in 386SWAT
DS:ESI ==> ASCIIZ string containing a command

OUTPUTS: AH = 00h if successful

Use this call to execute a command on the 386SWAT command line. This function is used by the SWATCMD.EXE device driver.

INPUTS: BL = 06h Copy ASCIIZ string to error log
DS:ESI ==> ASCIIZ string

OUTPUTS: AH = 00h if successful

INT 67h
AX = 0DEF7h

INT 67h
AX = 0DEF8h

INT 67h
AX = 0DEF9h
Fill in 386SWAT's PTEs

INPUTS: ECX = maximum # PTEs ES:DI can hold
ES:DI ==> save area for PTEs
If ES = 0, EDI ==>...

OUTPUTS: AH = 00h if successful
   = 8Bh if 386SWAT needs more PTEs than specified
ECX = # additional PTEs 386SWAT needs

Use this call in conjunction with function DEF4 if your program enters PM without using VCPI or DPMI so that 386SWAT's PTEs are visible in your program's address space.

Protected Mode Program Interface

For the moment, there are no defined functions. However, when there are, we will require that AH = 0DEh and that the subfunction code be in AL.

Tips On Debugging DPMI Programs

If you are using an integrated DPMI host such as 386MAX, no special action is needed on your part to debug a DPMI program. 386SWAT installs itself as a PL0 extension to the memory manager and thus also to the DPMI host. Place breakpoints in your code as needed as well as step right over the far call to the DPMI host which switches from VM to PM.

If you using a non-integrated DPMI host such as QDPMI.SYS which is distributed with QEMM, then essentially you are debugging a VCPI client which provides DPMI services to its clients. See the next section for details on debugging VCPI programs.

Tips On Debugging VCPI Programs

Assuming 386SWAT has successfully intruded into the MM's (memory manager's) PM context, it is on the same level as MM -- that is, you should think of it as a PL0 extension of the VCPI host. This means that you need to tell 386SWAT to intrude into the VCPI client's context.

Some VCPI clients are easy to break into, some are quite hostile (not maliciously, it's just that they don't leave any wiggle room). There's no magic to this. Fundamentally, 386SWAT needs room in the GDT for its selectors. See the above description on how to get your program to cooperate with 386SWAT, but if you want to get up and running quickly, you might first try these steps:

The only tricky part is to ensure that any breakpoints you set to which 386SWAT would respond occur after the stack in the VCPI client has been setup (and preferably also DS, ES, FS, and GS). Typically, this means that you can debug through every single instruction except for the handful which occur during the handoff from the VCPI host's PM context to the VCPI client's PM context. The reason for this is that the VCPI PM handoff depends upon descriptor caching. In particular, the VCPI spec has the client specifying the state of all EGP registers, but only the CS segment registers. Thus the VCPI client starts off execution with its own environment (GDT, LDT, IDT, TR, and CR3) in effect, but on the VCPI host's stack. The value of that stack selector quite likely is invalid in the client's GDT/LDT, so the VCPI client must switch to its own stack ASAP. Of course, if an interrupt/exception occurs before then, when the CPU attempts to use the (presumably) invalid stack it would trigger a Double Fault, quickly followed by a Triple Fault and system shutdown.

One other sharp corner I've run into is with VCPI clients which assume that their TSS won't be used by the CPU, so they "save" a few bytes by re-using that data area. 386SWAT uses TSS selectors for its IDT entries, so when 386SWAT gains control the CPU saves the preceding context into the caller's TSS. Also, it's a nice touch to save your CR3 into the appropriate place in the TSS, but 386SWAT will do that for you in case you forget. Other debuggers might not be so thoughtful.

Also, if you switch LDTs from the original one, be sure to save the current one in the TSS as that field is read-only to the CPU. That is, the CPU doesn't save the current LDT there when it performs a task switch, so 386SWAT can't "see" your LDT otherwise.

As far as symbols are concerned, use MAPSSF with a .WSG file. See the SWATSYM.DOC for more details. After 386SWAT pops up in PM within your program, type TS on the 386SWAT command line to tell 386SWAT to recalculate the base address of all symbols and symbols should appear. The .WSG file tells 386SWAT the value of various selectors, but of course it can't know the base address at that time. That's why you need to tell 386SWAT to recalculate.

Tips On Debugging RM Programs

Debugging Real Mode programs is quite similar to debugging VCPI programs, except that you must use the debugging interface to allow 386SWAT to gain a foothold into your PM context.; Because there is no interrupt (such as INT 67h for VCPI) when a RM programs enters PM, your program must cooperate with 386SWAT in order for it to be of use.

Also note that you cannot trace through the instructions which setup the resources the CPU needs to run in PM. In particular, this includes LGDT, LIDT, and MOV CR0,r32 (or LMSW), as well as those instructions which setup the segment registers in PM, especially CS and SS (note that CS is setup by executing a far jump).

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