Downloadable Files
Executable Programs
The following files are available for download:
Latest version of a Protected Mode debugger. For more details,
see the overview.
Two programs to display the contents of .LIB files.
A program to display the contents of an .OBJ file.
A standalone DPMI 1.0 host. For more details, see the overview.
A version of Minesweeper with clues, done as a tutorial in assembler
to learn Windows programming.
Latest version of an MS-DOS compatible linker. For more details,
see the overview.
A program to display the DMI (Desktop Management Interface) and SMBIOS
(System Management BIOS) information in your computer.
A Windows version of SMBIOSD.
A simple touch program.
Executable Programs with Source Code
The following downloadable files also include source code (Intel assembly
language, unless otherwise specified):
A program to obtain the CPU component ID available at CPU reset.
This file also contains a several page article describing the technique
used which allows the program to obtain control after system reset before
the BIOS does.
A program to determine the CPU type (8088 through Pentium Pro).
This program was originally written and published to accompany an article
in the PC Tech Journal in 1986.
A collection of routines to recognize and program dual PCI VGA adapters
for displaying data on the secondary adapter.
A program to determine how much extended memory is in your computer
using all known APIs

NARS2000 © 2006-2020
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